Flower Bouquet
If you have the time and the creativity, you should consider doing your own wedding flowers. Even if you don't feel like you will have the time or energy or talent to make all your centerpieces and altar arrangements, you should at least consider making your own flower bouquet. It won't take much time to create a hand-tied flower bouquet, and if you follow these easy steps, it won't take a professional florist, either.
Flowers are naturally gorgeous, with soft petals and striking colors, so keep in mind that it will take a lot to mess that up! Remember as little girl when you would walk along a field and pick a handful of wildflowers, which you now know were just weeds? Well, this is essentially the same idea. If a bunch of wildflowers can be pretty, how much more will a flower bouquet be for your wedding?
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Start with the freshest, highest quality flowers that you can afford for your flower bouquet. Depending on how large you want the finished flower bouquet to be, you will need between one and two dozen stems. Every flower should be perky and well hydrated before handling. Strip the stems of any leaves or thorns. If necessary, pause occasionally to mist the top of the blooms with water, and keep the stems in water as much as possible. |
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Start with three flowers to act as the center, and create a triangle in your hand. The flowers should be almost but not quite exactly the same height. Then, add three more flowers around the three sides of the triangle. Stop to look at the mini bouquet and evaluate color placement and height of each flower. Once you are comfortable, keep rotating the flower bouquet in your hand, adding flowers as you turn, until all the flowers have been used. Place each new layer of lowers a little lower than the last, creating a dome. If you are not happy, you can easily start over from the beginning.
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Finally, tie the flower bouquet with a rubber band, cut the stems off the bottom with a sharp knife until they are even, and embellish however you would like with ribbon or jewels. Your bouquet will be your most favorite and memorable of your wedding flowers. Many brides have their flower bouquet preserved or freeze dried to keep as a memento for all eternity. How much more special would that bouquet be if you knew you had created it yourself! |
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