Wedding Music Classical

A "Crash Course" in Traditional Wedding Music

The choices for your wedding music are practically endless. You can go the fun golden oldies route, or stick with the basic classical music selections. If you do choose classical music for your wedding, you are not alone. This is the most popular choice because it provides the desired "feel" of a wedding. Like a beautiful blushing bride, classical music is timeless.

Creme and gold ribbon wedding cake.

First, you need to check to see if your mother has any preferences. Sure, this is your big day, but you are her sweet little baby girl, and she might have always dreamed of you walking down the aisle to "Here Comes the Bride." If she is willing to be open minded, you are free to choose anything appropriate that your venue and musicians can handle.

This can be a learning experience for you. Keep an open mind as you hunt around for the perfect classical wedding music; you just may discover a love for this traditional genre. The best resource for this search is your own ears. You and your fiancée are the only two who can ultimately decide what you do and do not like. Spend some time browsing the Internet-these songs are so old and have been around so long, that their copyrights have most likely expired. This means you may be able to find some versions to download for free.

bride and groom at wedding.

Take a pen and paper, or your trusty laptop, and keep notes of anything you find that you like. Be sure to write down the full name of any song and composer you find. Believe it or not, there is a huge difference between "Canon in D Major" and Canon in F Minor." Write down just "Canon," and you're sure to get an annoyed eye roll from your performer.

Blue aqua wedding cake.

You don't have to feel intimidated by classical music. It doesn't take a trained musician to know "what just sounds good" to you. If you don't trust your own ear, tell your wedding coordinator or musicians that you want to go with the typical, traditional wedding selections. Trust these experts-you hired (and paid) them for a good reason.

Bride laying on bed.
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