Wedding Name Change Kit for Brides
That Want to Change Their Maiden Name with the DMV, Credit Card Companies, Social Security
What's in a Name (Change)?
You arrive home from your honeymoon. You have gifts to exchange and more useful kitchen gadgetry than you know what to do with. You are still receiving bills and statements under your maiden name. Suddenly it hits you like a ton of bricks. You see yourself waiting to find out which forms you'll need to fill out and what kind of proof will be required in the line that always runs out the door at the DMV. Have you ever seen the lines at your local Social Security Administration office? Read on and we will explain how you can avoid all of that with a bridal name change kit.
To get a great price on a name change kit on Ebay, click here.
The Number of Places I Have to Change My Name With Seems Endless!!!
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In our ultra-modern, high-tech world, you would think changing your maiden name to your married name would be a cinch. Nothing could be further from the truth. Simply applying for a marriage license in the county in which you live will not be enough to change your name with all of the 3-letter government agencies such as the IRS, SSA, DMV, etc. You will need to track down and fill out the required government forms for each agency. You will also need to have different forms of proof and follow a different set of guidelines for each government office. I haven't even mentioned changing your name with your banks, credit card companies, insurance companies, and for insurance, medical, and employment records purposes. Here is a short list: |
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A Kit Will Make The Name Change Much Easier
Sounds like a horrifying experience doesn't it? Fortunately, there are wedding name change kits that make this extremely time consuming process easier. There are even kits that are customized to the bride's state and zip code. We have done a bit of research into these kits and have found that there are some free kits offered online. We have actually ordered one of these free name change kits--it never came. There was no phone number on the site and my complaint emails went unanswered. We ordered another wedding name change kit for $24.95 from a site that not only delivered on its promises but had a toll-free number I could call if I had any questions. The kit was great! It had all the forms required for Social Security, IRS, employment, banking and insurance records, Drivers License, Vehicle Registration, Voter Registration, US Passport, vehicle loans, and credit cards. The kit also contained a detailed instruction guide and checklist that turned out to be extremely helpful in staying on task with all of this. What could have been dragged out for months, we took care of in a matter of days.
Shortly after our wedding, we tried to change Sophia's name without a kit. Her experience was that there is an easy way and a hard way to do it. Finding a way to have all of the forms and a checklist as a guide at her disposal made it possible for her to change her name swiftly and easily. We both highly recommend you click here to to buy a name change kit on Ebay so that you too can avoid the frustration we experienced in the beginning. Sincerely, Ronnoco and Sophia Mada